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Scanning to SoftPro
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Scanning into SoftPro

  1. Open the Image Capture Plus by clicking on the icon.

  1. Select the “Scan & Save” tab
  2. Click on the gear in the “Output Settings” section

  1. Type tags and document name in the “File Name” section, then select “OK”

  1. Place doc package to be scanned on scanner tray, and select “Scan Start”. Once package has been scanned, an email will pop up containing the scan as an attachment with name given in previous step.
  2. In the email subject line, type the same tags as in the document name, with the file number in between, as shown below:  ** Note Document and Email Subject Line tags must match for Automation to process successfully! **

  1. You may cc yourself at this point if you’d like a copy of the scan to be sent to your email, but do not change the addressee in the “To” section of the email. (If you are NOT scanning this document directly into SoftPro, you may change the “To” to yourself or intended recipient, and send)
  2. Hit “Send”.
  3. You may then go into the file in SoftPro and hit “refresh” if you are already in the file.  The scanned document should appear in the specified folder.
  4. Congratulations! You have scanned directly into SoftPro.


Please see below for instructions on document and email tagging


















Priority Title Document Upload Instructions

Version 2.0.3.

September 2021





Introduction. 6

“Recipient” & “Destination” Codes. 6

Email Subject Formatting. 7

File Attachment Formatting. 8

Sending the Email 8

Email Error Notifications. 8

Document Upload to SoftPro. 9





The Automatic Document Upload Process allows Priority Title employees to add documents to orders in SoftPro by simply sending the attachment via email to [email protected]. Upon receiving an email with a document attached, the automated process will upload the document to SoftPro as long as the order exists or is not locked by another user. Certain practices must be met for documents to be successfully uploaded to SoftPro and are described in this document.


When preparing to send a document to upload via email, the email subject and document’s file name should contain a “Recipient” code and a “Destination” code. This is important to include as it will ultimately be used when determining which folder in SoftPro to attach the document and who to email the documents to.

For example, an email and document with the codes [b] and [sd] will be attached to the Signed Documents folder in SoftPro and then sent to the Borrower contact on the respective order when the Closing Docs Received task is marked as Received.

Recipient Codes:

[b] primary borrower

[ba] all borrowers

[sb] borrower’s agent

[s] primary seller

[sa] all sellers

[LB] listing agent/ seller’s agent

[l] lender

[A] buyer’s attorney/Title Company

[T2] seller’s attorney

[MB] Mortgage Broker

[x] Upload Only (Upload to SoftPro, but do not email to contacts)


Destination Codes:

[bpd] Binder and Prelim Docs

[cp] Closing Preparation

[ce] Correspondence-Email

[dsc] Documents to be Signed at Closing

[fwd] Funding Checks Wires Disbursement Sheet

[m] Misc

[of] Other (Funding Approval)

[oi] Order Information

[pii] Payoffs-Invoices-Insurance-Misc

[pd] Policy Documents

[rd] Recorded Docs

[sd] Signed Documents

[ts] Title Search Documents


  1. Emails must be sent to [email protected]
  2. Email Subjects must follow the following format:

[recipient code] Order Number [destination code]

[b] 111917348 [sd]

  1. The Recipient code and Destination code must be within an open and closed bracket ([ ])
  2. The Recipient code must be listed first.
  3. The Destination Code must be listed after the Order Number.
  4. Only one Recipient code can be assigned.
  5. Email subjects without a Recipient code, order number, or destination code will be rejected. (See below for Error Notifications.)
  6. Using the code [x]: If you want to ensure the document is uploaded to SoftPro, but do not need to specify it for any particular contact, use the code [x].
  7. Email subjects without any brackets ([ ]) will be ignored as we will assume they were not meant for the process to pick up.
  1. The document attached in the email must be named in the following format to ensure successful upload into SoftPro.
    [recipient code] filename.pdf
  2. Only ONE file attachment should be included per email.  
  3. The Recipient code in the file name must match the code entered in the email subject.
  4. The Recipient code must be within an open and closed bracket ([ ]).
  5. A Destination code is NOT required in the file name.
  6. Order Number can be included in the file name but is not required.
  7. Attached file MUST be a PDF.


After the email with an attached document is sent, the automated process will make sure the rules above have been met (i.e. Email Subject & File Name are formatted correctly). If so, the document will be attached to the specified order in SoftPro under the specified destination folder.


If the email subject and file attachment rules above have NOT been met, an email response will be sent to the sender informing them that there was an error with information on how they can correct it.


Error Notification

Email does not have a file attached

"Email contains no attachments. Please correct and resubmit."

Email subject does not specify a Recipient Code, Order Number, or Destination Code

“Email subject is formatted incorrectly. Please make sure to follow the standard format of [Recipient code] Order Number [destination code].

Recipient Codes:


Destination Codes:


Recipient Code or Destination Code is not a valid code

“Email subject is formatted incorrectly. Please make sure to follow the standard format of [Recipient code] Order Number [destination code].

Recipient Codes:


Destination Codes:


The Recipient Code in the email subject and file name do not match

“The Recipient Code in the subject and file name must match. Please correct and resubmit.”

File name does not specify a Recipient Code

“The Recipient Code in the subject and file name must match. Please correct and resubmit.”


When an email is sent with a proper subject and attachment, it will begin to upload to SoftPro. The attached document will be uploaded to the specified order number under the Attachments folder that matches the Destination Code.


  • Email
    • Subject: [b] 111917348 [sd]
    • File Name: [b] Recordables.pdf
  • SoftPro
    • Uploaded to Order Number 111917348
    • Attachments/ Signed Documents folder
    • New File Name: [b] 111917348 Recordables.pdf








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